

Drawing inspiration from Urban’s popular hashtag used by customers to show off their newest purchase on social media platforms, the #UOonYou function within the UO mobile apps allows customers to submit images of themselves using and wearing products purchased at Urban Outfitters.

This feature was derived from the insight that when a standard e-commerce image is replaced with a “social image”- or an image taken in a natural environment- sales increase upwards off 150. Customers love to see what the product will actually look like on, not just when styled on a model and posed in a studio. In addition to viewing a product styled and hung, the #UOonYou feature allows user to view other customers wearing the product. This gives user a sense of what it will look like on various body types and in a more real setting. In turn, this will provide customers with more confidence when making purchases which will reduce the number of returns.

Additionally, #UOonYou is a tool that customers can use to submit their photos to be featured social media, the UO website, and the UO mobile app. This will simplify the search for user-generated content for those working in the social department. Further, the ability to directly submit content will give customers a sense of belonging and community with the brand. Try out the prototype.